臼井/聖火 ® III 靈氣大師階證書課程

臼井/聖火 ® III 靈氣大師階證書課程是一個提供深化靈氣療癒能力並取得大師證書的進階靈氣訓練課程。

Reiki is a sacred practice that should be approached with reverence and respect in order to fully experience its wonderful value. The benefits of Reiki reach far beyond the ability to heal ourselves and others, which is already significant; Reiki can also provide guidance for our lives and open opportunities for continual growth and unfolding of our boundless potential. 

Pursuing the path of Reiki can lead to increasing joy, peace, and abundance in life, which is not only a blessing for individuals, but also has the potential to heal our planet. Those who have been initiated into Reiki often feel the power of its potential and aspire to continue their journey by moving on to the Master level.

Becoming a Reiki master is a continual process that involves ongoing personal growth. With the master placement and the use of the master symbol, we have the opportunity to tap into the unlimited potential of Reiki and develop the qualities that are inherent in the Reiki energy.

靈氣是一種神聖的實踐,應以崇敬和尊重的態度來尋求其美妙的價值。 靈氣的好處遠不止能夠治療我們自己和他人,這本身已經非常重要; 靈氣還可以為我們的生活提供指導,並開啟持續成長和展現我們無限潛力的機會。


成為靈氣大師是一個持續的過程,需要持續的個人成長。 通過大師符號的運用,我們有機會直接接觸靈氣的無限潛力,並發展出靈氣能量所含的品質。 隨著大師啟蒙和大師符號的使用,我們有機會更加全面地打開靈氣的無限潛力,並在自己身上發展靈氣能量所含有的品質。


