Half Day Retreat at Lam Tsuen 林村半日靜修

Join us for a half-day retreat in the serene surroundings of Lam Tsuen. Take a break from the chaos of daily life and invite calmness into your mind, body, and soul. Our retreat is designed to help you relax, restore and revive. Connect with nature, practice mindfulness and meditation, and indulge in nourishing snacks and teas. Leave feeling refreshed, rejuvenated and centered. Book now to discover the transformative power of stillness and peace.

加入我們在林村寧靜的環境中享受半天的靜修。 從日常生活的混亂中休息一下,讓您的思想、身體和靈魂平靜下來。 我們的靜修處旨在幫助您放鬆、恢復和恢復活力。 親近大自然,練習正念和冥想,盡情享用營養豐富的小食和茶。 讓您感覺神清氣爽、精神煥發、精神集中。 立即預訂,探索寧靜與和平的蛻變力量。